Phone: 02478830691 Mobiel : +8801740665545




The admission fee and the subscription shall be as under unless otherwise revised by the Governing Body of the Society:

আবেদন ফরম Member application – Website

Type of Member Annual Subscription (Taka)
Founder Member 100
Ordinary Member 100
Honorary Member Nil
  • The Governing Body shall have the power to increase, decrease or vary the amount of annual subscription from time to time. Additional subscription, in addition to the annual subscription referred to hereinabove, may be collected by the Governing Body from Members for a general or specific purpose or project.
  • All dues, including annual subscription, additional subscription as provided in these Rules and any other dues or contributions, are payable to the Society within three (3) months from the date of demand. The first annual subscription would, however, be payable within one (1) month of the applicant’s admission as Member of the Society. The Honorary Members will shall not be liable to pay any admission fee and / or subscription

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