Phone: 02478830691 Mobiel : +8801740665545

Vision, Mission, Objectives and Strategy

Vision, Mission, Objectives and Strategy

Mission: To serve for equality, equity, justice, and a world free from hunger and poverty where human rights and positive attitude will be the culture of people.

Vision: CRM Foundation will organize strategically important activities related to development, which will lead to a sustainable improvement of sociology-economic, positive behavioral and culture for the underprivileged sections of the population especially the poor, people with special needs and underprivileged areas of Bangladesh through their effective participation in civic life.


The Objectives for which the society is established are all or any of the following and (all the objectives mentioned here under will be implemented after obtaining necessary permission from the government/ concerned authority/ competent authority and the objectives contrary to the prevision of section 20 of the Societies Registration act shall be treated as ineffective).The aims and objects to be pursued by the Society are –

  1. To engage in charitable purposes and social welfare activities strictly on a non-profit basis in the building of financially charitable programs.
  2.   To provide healthcare and medical services among communities and people of Bangladesh.
  3. To undertake and carry on any humanitarian or charitable program for most needful people in Society.
  4. To co-operate in establishing and maintaining charitable dispensaries, maternity, health centre, family welfare centres, clinics and similar service-oriented institutions for proper health care.
  5. To sponsor, conduct and arrange workshops, seminars and training programs on child nutrition, child health and other child related issues and to participate in meetings to promote self- help and reduce aid dependency and to further the objects of the society.
  6. To receive donations from any person, local organisations, corporate bodies including without limitation private and public limited companies, Government of Bangladesh, International Development Agencies, International Organisations, Foreign governments, UN Agencies from home and abroad.
  7. To carry on charitable and other purposes for the greater benefit of the beneficiaries.
  8. To establish in any place in Bangladesh such as a branch, agency or local board for managing any of the affairs of the Society.
  9. To print, publish, issue, circulate papers, periodicals, books, publications and other literary, scientific and useful works, efforts and undertakings as may be helpful to accomplish any of the objects of the Society.
  10. To work with global consultants, experts from national and international agencies.
  11. And to generally do all such other lawful things as may be incidental to or conductive to the attainment of the above objects.
  12.  Facilitating sustainable livelihoods of the poor and marginalized, especially women and children, through economic facilitation and enterprise development. Governments and other institutions to take positive steps to realize their legitimate rights. xiii)        To carry out programs/projects and activities alone/or in partnership with others aimed at protecting people. Conservation of environmental/natural resources and proper use of blue economy especially in Bay of Bengal countries.
  13.    In addition to protecting the rights of people, by awakening people’s sense of values ​​and responsibility, taking measures to make behavioral and economic sustainable changes in the list of developed countries.


A trusted partnership with the Community, for the Community and of the Community. SMART Citizen can ensure SMART Bangladesh.

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